Six stages of manifestation of the disease


When the vital energies of the human body are imbalanced for a long period, the diseases is origin and spread. According to the Ayurveda, factors resulting imbalance of the three biological humours, normally results in the accumulation of toxic or products, known as ama in Ayurvedic system of medicine. Along with the time factor, the ama moves to parts of the human body where genetic weaknesses exist. Once ama accumulates in that part, it cane described as origin of the diseases.


In Ayurveda there are six chief stages of manifestation of the disease. These six stages are known as Kriya Kal.
Kriya Kal has great significance as they are helpful in the thorough cause or aetiology of the disease much before clinical manifestations are evident. Each stage of the Kriya Kal (stages of disease formation) provides a way to stop and most-probably to reverse the further spread of the disease (vyadhi in Ayurveda). Obviously, if a disease is detected earlier, it is easier to control it.

The six stages are

  1. Sanchaya (accumulation),
  2. Prakopa (aggravation),
  3. Prasara (dissemination),
  4. Sthana Samsraya (relocation),
  5. Vyakti (manifestation),
  6. Bheda (disruption).

Sanchaya (accumulation)

Sanchaya represents as the stage of accumulation. Sanchaya is the first stage of the kriya kal and ama production resulting from improper digestion, starts accumulating in the gut or intestine. Sanchaya is primarily associated with the imbalance of the biological water, Kapha which accumulates in the amasya (stomach). According to the Ayurveda, when ama is product of the imbalance of the biological fire, Pitta, it accumulates in the ksudrantra (small intestine) and in the colon ama gets connected to the dysfunction of the biological air, Vata. Aama disturbs the smooth functioning of the three biological humours resulting in mild symptoms which can be easily detected, which is a signal of physiological imbalance.

Prakopa (aggravation)

Prakopa (aggravation) is the 2nd stage of the kriya kal. Prakopa (aggravation) is generally translated as aggravation or provocation. Although the prakopa phase of the kriya kal do not manifest the differentiated clinical signs and symptoms that modern system of medicine is not in a position to recognize. This stage is confirmed by nadi prakisha or pulse diagnosis whether it is aggravated biological humours or ama. According to ayurveda some behavioural and dietary changes in order to reverse stage of the prakopa.

Prasara (dissemination)

Prasara (dissemination) is the third stage of kriya kal as per Ayurveda. Prasara (dissemination) means to leave and spread. In Prasara (dissemination), aggravated doshas or ama had accumulates to such an extent that it creates influx in the gastrointestinal tract. The three biological humours travel along with the micronutrients to the tissues (dhatus).

Sthana Samshraya (relocation)

Sthana Samsraya (relocation) is the 4th phase of kriya kal. It is also known as the stage of disease relocation or augmentation. Sthana samshraya refers to taking shelter in some place. The dosha or ama from the prasra stage enters in a feeble and defective tissue. Dosha or Ama is responsible for the structural and functional damage of the human-body. This is the stage which can invite some degenerative disorder or infective disease. An array of factors determines dosha or ama shall damage which specific dhatus.

Vyakta (manifestation)

Vyakta (manifestation) is the 5th stage of kriya kal. Vyatka means which can be visualised. In this stage, well differentiated symptoms appear on first basis. Vyakta can be defined as the stage of symptom manifestation. The process of the disease overpowers the capability of the human-body to maintain immunity. At this juncture, structural and functional dysfunctions progress to such a stage where the illness has actual start. The process of the disease results in the manifestation of the clinical symptoms which are generally used for diagnosis of the disease.

Bheda (disruption)

Bheda (disruption) is the final and 6th stage of kriya kal according to Ayurveda. Bheda is also defied as the stage of updrava or complications Vyakta (manifestation) the 5th stage of kriya kal gives or rather confirms the general diagnosis and the sixth stage i.e. bheda stands for the differential diagnosis. Bheda (disruption) provides a detailed information and understanding of the group of clinical symptoms. Bheda (disruption) is characterized by severe depletion of the tissue function, serious damage to the channels of circulation or srotas, and the updrava which involves the related tissue. The whole disease cycle is aggravated by the unpleasant and toxic (sometimes) side- effects of the medicines that are employed to care the disease.
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