Ayurvedic approach of treatment

Ayurvedic approach of treatment is as below...

  1. Nidan Parivarjana
  2.        Avoiding the etiology

  3. General Treatment

  4. - Santarpana
            Means strengthing, nourishment. It is the therapy that accelerates the normal functions of the doshas and dhatus in the body. It gives strength to weak and emaciated.

    - Apatarpana
            The absence of food intake seen in the case of diseased condition. Lack of nourishment, is known as apatarpana. Loss of desire for food, lack of tripti or its absence is called as apatarpana.

    - Shodhana
            Shodhana itself means to purify. In shodhana purification is regarding expelling out the aggravated Doshas from the body.

    - Shamana
    Shamana is a palliative approach that, rather than expel the Doshas, merely normalizes them. 

    3.   Pathya & Apathya
              The aahar(food) & vihar (activity) which is beneficial and nutritional to the body and also give the happiness to the mind is known as Pathya and opposite to that is known as Apathya.
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